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Gatling Gerkin

From Kjolt Wiki
Gatling Gerkin

Sprite of a Gatling Gerkin.
First Appearance Rodney's Tunnel (2024)
Classification Vegetable
Smell Sewage
Variants Sputtering Soap
Notable Members None

Gatling Gerkins are oversized sentient pickles in Rodney's Tunnel. Their first appearance is on the first floor of Old Sewers. They are immobile and placed outside of the water, only attacking at random. Their face will briefly appear and they will spit two energy orbs which travel to the left and right of the player, meaning they can avoid the attack by standing still if they aren't very close. When killed, they dissolve into a pile of brown mush resembling shit with a cartoon splat sound.

They have a variant called Sputtering Soaps that first appear in the Underground Bathroom.


Image Name Description HP AT XP Reward First Appears
Gatling Gerkin Stationary sewer pickles that come to life and spit out two green orbs. 70 8 (energy orb) 75 Old Sewers