Ball Golems are animated bouncy ball dispensers first appearing in Bathroom Blocks. They have a purple ball with a face for a head, atop a glass chamber and a metal body with which it slides across the floor. They are exclusively artificial creatures that must be crafted and placed down to exist.
Bathroom Blocks
Ball Golem
Health Points
(Bouncy Ball) 0
A Compact Ball Golem.
Ball Golems originate in Bathroom Blocks as passive utility mobs, sharing their model and behaviour with Snow Golems. They toss bouncy balls at hostile mobs, which usually gets them in more trouble than what the balls cause to the monsters. However, unlike golems, they are crafted as a Compact Ball Golem with items, and can be deployed wherever. Upon death, they will drop this item so they can be brought back to life. Their sound effects are shared with glass blocks and Iron Golems.
Rodney's Tunnel
In Rodney's Tunnel, Ball Golems are enemies first found in the Underground Bathroom due to the area being a reference to their place of origin. They are now hostile to the player, spitting bouncy balls that deal damage. When defeated, the glass chamber in the middle of their body shatters and they fall over.
The bouncy balls that the ball golem fires were inspired by a video on YouTube of a Minecraft Beta mod that added bouncy balls, just like the ones present in Bathroom Blocks. The channel that uploaded this video also had a video where the creator really intensely played Minecraft Alpha and killed cows while you could hear keyboard and mouse noises in the background. The channel is currently unknown.